Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhances at a rate faster than anyone predicted. These sophisticated programs use complex algorithms to interact with their environment and learn from their experiences.
It’s not all about rocket ships and superpowered androids, though. Theoretically, the applications for AIs are endless. These programs are no longer limited to science fiction.
Many non-tech industries take advantage of AI technology to revolutionize the human experience. In fact, many people encounter AI in everyday life without even knowing it.
From fast food to high-end art galleries, here are the 10 places you can find AI programs.
1. Writing
Content creation is pretty complicated and requires a decent amount of skill. Forming complex sentences and stories from pools of information traditionally needed a human touch.
While creating professional reports is relatively straightforward, creative writing is an art that is difficult to master. You may be familiar with the viral posts where users “fed” movie scripts to machine learning programs to create fake movie scripts riddled with hilarious errors.
With time and experience, programmers created more sophisticated programs that are difficult to differentiate from human writers. These programs generate complex articles, scripts, and even novels!
While they aren’t perfect yet, we may not be so far away from welcoming our first digital authors.
2. Retail Service
Online shops are trendy and require around-the-clock management. These 24-hour services once required human representatives on standby to answer (often mundane) inquiries.
AI allows retail providers to cut back on their human resources to offer automated systems to deal with simple questions. AI customer service is much more sophisticated than basic chatbots. Some of these programs can even use telecommunication platforms.
With technologies like Google Duplex, with human-sounding AIs, it’s often difficult to differentiate between a human and a program.
3. Court Decisions
Don’t worry; there is no discussion about having robots sending people to jail. Instead, a group of researchers designed an app to assist judges in making informed bail decisions.
The predictive software helps judges decide whether to jail a suspected criminal or offer them bail.
This program can help make effective decisions based upon data alone. In other words, it provides pretty accurate predictions while reducing outside influences such as racial bias.
4. Bank Security
AIs help with criminal activity before perpetrators make it to the court. Many banks implemented AI security software to assist with fraud.
AIs monitor account activities in real-time and detect suspicious purchases more effectively than non-AI programs or human workers.
5. The Stock Market
AI helps out a lot with financial affairs. Several different predictive apps help with stock trading.
These programs can accurately forecast markets and automate trading in a way to optimize returns.
6. Animal Welfare

It’s not all about people, though. AI programs allow animal welfare organizations to track wildlife from behind a computer screen.
This software is crucial for protecting many endangered species. One app monitors the locations of endangered whale species using satellite imaging and audio recordings.
Captains use these findings to route their boats in a way that avoids whales and reduces collisions. Fewer accidents are better for the boating industry and the whale population.
7. Medicine
There is an entire field emerging referred to as AI medicine. This field is a pretty broad category that involves any medical technique that utilizes AI.
Some researchers developed AI programs to automate (or assist with) surgical procedures safely. Other programs scan large datasets or photographs to offer accurate diagnostics.
While many software applications are still in their infancy, there is no doubt AI is already an invaluable tool for physicians.
8. Education
People are not automated machines; what works for some don’t work for others. This concept is incredibly relevant for children just learning how to navigate the world and their place in it.
Many students that struggle in particular educational environments would thrive in another. While it’s challenging for a single teacher to tailor special educational experiences for every individual student, the growth of e-learning opens doors for countless children across the world.
AI analysis through e-learning platforms can analyze educational data to create lesson plans that would optimize a child’s performance.
Using such programs allows students to get the most out of their educational experience while helping teachers manage a full class.
9. Restaurants
Teachers aren’t the only ones who find themselves understaffed. Anyone who worked at a restaurant could tell you horror stories about customer service and multitasking.
For this reason, some restaurants are looking to optimize customer (and employee) experience through AI. The more cutting-edge examples involve using food delivery bots to navigate a busy restaurant or café to deliver orders to customers without sending staff running around.
Some larger chains even developed AIs of their own. While many don’t associate Taco Bell with pioneering technology, the popular fast-food chain released its very own AI program.
TacoBot helps optimize customer experience while bringing food services into the future.
10. Fine Art
It’s not always about business, though. Another fascinating field emerging from the growth of AI is art. In addition to revolutionizing photo editing technology, machine learning algorithms can now create entire pictures.
AI artists guide AI programs to create a wide assortment of intricate and beautiful images.
It’s an innovative approach to technology that changes the way many think about programming. Fine art institutions recognized some AI artists and their work as a glimpse into the future.
There are professionals worldwide who can now refer to themselves as AI artists, including; Wayne McGregor, Ross Goodwin, Sofia Crespo, and Mimi Onuoha.
AI in the Future
The field of artificial intelligence advanced faster than researchers dared to dream. It’s crazy to think just how much these computer programs revolutionized our daily life.
Today, Taco Bell and Wall Street—tomorrow, who knows? While no one expects AI to take over human positions completely, we can expect AI to take an enhanced role in different industries.
While it’s difficult to know precisely what the future of AI has in store for us, we can rest assured that this technology is here to stay.