Amazon Launches Its Own Live Shopping Channel

Metaverse News

Amazon has a new trick up its sleeve to part you with your hard-earned cash. It’s called Amazon Live, and it’s a cross between QVC and Twitch. In other words, it’s a live shopping channel made up of multiple video streams showing people selling their wares.

Amazon Live Tempts You to Spend More Money

Amazon Live, which you can watch now at, is a shopping channel with a difference. When you land on the page you’ll see one stream front and center. This is the stream Amazon thinks you’ll be most interested in watching.

However, scroll down, and you’ll see other streams available to watch “Live now”. Scroll further down, and you’ll see streams that were “Recently live” and that are now available to watch on demand. Even further down the page you’ll find “Upcoming streams”.

Some of the shows are all about Amazon products, with dedicated hosts selling you on the benefits of buying Amazon hardware. However, other streams cover products as diverse as giant teddy bears, video projectors, rugged smartphone cases, and fitness equipment.

So, where are these streams coming from? To live stream on Amazon Live you have to be “a US Professional Seller registered in the Amazon Brand Registry”. If that describes you, you can download the Amazon Live Creator app for iOS to get started.

Amazon Pushes Into Traditional Retail Spaces

Amazon Live seems to benefit everyone. By offering multiple live streams viewers get to choose what they want to watch. Brands get to push their products on potential buyers. And Amazon gets to insert ads for its own products. So everyone’s a winner.

This is just the latest example of Amazon moving into traditional retail spaces. In 2016, the online retailer opened its first Amazon Go store, and in 2018, the company opened its first Amazon 4-Star store. And now it’s muscling in on QVC’s territory. So, what’s next?

Read the full article: Amazon Launches Its Own Live Shopping Channel
