Bored During Self-Isolation? 100+ Tips for Staying Entertained and Engaged

Metaverse News

Trapped inside and going stir-crazy due to quarantine? You aren’t the only one! Here are all kinds of things you can do to stay sane while self-isolating and social distancing!

The novel coronavirus and COVID-19 have turned the entire world upside-down. We’re stuck at home without much to do, and there’s only so much Netflix you can watch before you start feeling cabin fever.

It might be months, or even years, before society goes back to normal—if it ever does—so we have no choice but to get used to how things are now. And that means finding ways to keep ourselves entertained without leaving the house.

Is your well running dry? We’ve compiled a master list of ideas for you! In between staying up-to-date with trustworthy COVID-19 news, check out the following things you can do from the comfort of your home.

Doing Stuff With Friends Remotely

The hardest thing about self-isolation and social distancing is… the distance! We miss interacting with our friends and family. But while physical meetings might be off the table, that doesn’t mean we can’t hang out virtually.

Here are several fun activities you can do with others, even while you all stay within the confines of your own respective homes!

Watch movies and TV shows in sync together:

Pass the time by playing lightweight games together:

Or just get together as a virtual group and shoot the breeze:

Keeping Yourself Occupied When Alone


While it’s certainly possible to do stuff with others remotely during self-isolation, you’ll need to find ways to keep yourself mentally stimulated and engaged during those times when you’re alone. Fortunately, we have a LOT of great ideas for you!

But before you dive into all the different distractions we have for you, it’s important to stay mentally centered. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by anxiety during this stressful time, we recommend the following apps that may help relieve some of your nervous energy:


TV and Anime


Video Games

Browser Games

Mobile Games


Comics and Manga



Learning Something New With Your Extra Time


With so much free time on our hands, now’s the opportunity to learn that new skill or hobby that you’ve always wanted to try but couldn’t. There are plenty of things you can learn from home—like programming, photography, digital art, and more—so why not give it a go? You’d be surprised at how quickly time flies when you’re doing something you’ve never done before.


Music Production


Digital Art and Design

New Languages

Read the full article: Bored During Self-Isolation? 100+ Tips for Staying Entertained and Engaged
