Every Microsoft PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcut for Windows Worth Knowing

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There’s a reason that PowerPoint is a household name: it’s the best software for creating presentations for work and home.

If you find yourself creating lots of presentations, you might be wondering if there’s something you can do to speed up the process. The answer is yes, you just need to make use of all the handy shortcuts that PowerPoint offers.

We’ve put together a list of all the best PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts so that you can navigate, create, and present your presentations with ease.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download the Microsoft PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Cheat Sheet.

Microsoft PowerPoint Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows

Shortcut Action
Creating presentations
Ctrl + N New presentation
Ctrl + M New slide
Ctrl + S Save presentation
Alt + N, P Insert picture
Alt + N, S, H Insert shape
Alt + H, L Slide layout
Page down Next slide
Page up Previous slide
Ctrl + Up Move selected slide up
Ctrl + Down Move selected slide down
Ctrl + Shift + Up Move selected slide to the beginning
Ctrl + Shift + Down Move selected slide to the end
Alt + H Home tab
Alt + N Insert tab
Ctrl + N Add comment
Ctrl + R Reply to comment
Ctrl + Q Close PowerPoint
Alt + F File
Alt + H Home
Alt + N Insert
Alt + G Design
Alt + K Transitions
Alt + A Animations
Alt + S Slide Show
Alt + R Review
Alt + W View
Alt + Y Help
F5 Start presentation from beginning
Shift + F5 Start presentation from current slide
Alt + F5 Start the presentation in Presenter View
N Next animation/slide
P Previous animation/slide
B Display black slide
W Display white slide
S Stop/restart an automatic presentation
Number, then Enter Go to the slide number specified
Home To the first slide
End To the last slide
T Set timings
R Record narration and timing
Alt + P Play/pause media
Alt + Q Stop media
Alt + Up Increase volume
Alt + Down Decrease volume
Alt + U Mute
Tab Cycle hotspot
Shift + F10 Context menu
Ctrl + T Show taskbar
Esc End presentation

Present PowerPoint Like a Professional

Now you know all the shortcuts for creating and navigating in PowerPoint, it’s time to make your presentation as professional as possible. That’s why we’ve collated all the tips you need for keeping your audience engaged when using PowerPoint.

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