New Vision 2025






The Delta Media Digital Metaverse Platform is a unique online news, music, business & information platform combination on a regional, national and global level.

The online digital platform strengthens the various regional public TV, radio, online and broadcasters that have distinctive

bringing business news and regional journalism through the micro locals team .


The unique thing about the online news, music, business & information platform is that an online collaboration opportunity is offered

between regional news organisations, municipalities, politics, the business market and other parties.



.On the basis of distribution and marketing on, among other things, the programs and on a project basis, concrete

results regionally and nationally promoted online.


Different news items can be offered per region.

.This means that it mainly concerns steering on the joint ‘dedication’ of the regional organizations involved

in the project and the management of the joint online activities.


A characteristic of an online collaborative organization is that the network is not managed in a formal sense.



The Metaverse -micro locals- concept within the Delta Media Platform forms the centerpiece for offering this well-organized regional & national news cycle.

The Delta Media platform includes all information of a certain public interest that has hitherto been hidden from public view.

It usually concerns a recent fact, a topical issue, in which there is collective interest.


However, news can also relate to ‘information’ from the past that has not previously been made available as such to a wide circle of interested parties.





Delta Media Metaverse Platform Concept

.The Delta Media Online Platform is a unique and exclusive national & regional business, news and information source.

Including: viral content, local news, leisure, sports, food, real estate, weather forecast, politics, social items, fitness, website and business information.

Suitable for any project, organization and company that wants to increase their info, profile, product or online presence on the Internet

using the latest marketing strategy, promotion, techniques, services and tools from Regio Nieuws.



Menu POS – Process Online System

.Delta Media will use its own uniquely designed Menu POS (Process Online System) in mid-2022, a so-called RPA -Robotics Process Automation system.

For all her future internal work to support and process these .

The Micro Locals project is where regional partners easily list their news, items, video, or information on the Delta Media Platform

to increase visitors, traffic, promotion, revenue, customers and results.



Metaverse News & Information Platform

Delta Media’s online marketing platform and Menu POS system should be more than just offering news items, images, videos or texts.

The Menu POS system is the embodiment of everything that is at the heart of the online news and information platform.

Integrated functionality and automated robots are the backbone of the Menu POS system. And is part of the need to quickly and easily upgrade news, companies, products and more.


Delta Media Online Platform Process in 3 steps

.We want to do business with the right person(s), product(s), project(s) or companies on the web!

Not only because they are nice people, but because it helps us realize and launch the News, Music, Business & Information Platform concept/project. And in return give back what he/she and their company want to achieve.

The more we can help, inform and deliver with our unique business news services, marketing & technical tools, the better for us to determine which tools and methods are most appropriate.

And to ensure the optimal result, we research the environment of each region and company and the objectives of our client.



Planning & Strategy

.It only starts here for Delta Media, after building the online News, Music, Business and information platform web structure, concept, business plans, realization plans and strategy.

Using what we have learned from our experience and projects, we begin to make the necessary preparations to execute our business plan.

We examine the national and regional news market, look at competing companies and set a schedule to meet scheduled deadlines.

We will use and do everything to succeed and need to be updated at every step of the marketing process.


Concept development

.Over the past two years, Delta Media’s web design team has moved into the final stages of the process of creating and building the news and information platform.

The Delta Media team worked on this, while bringing all the ideas discussed during the first meetings to the News & Information platform.

With the aim of keeping management informed about the News Platform and the realization phase and the project and concept status.

Every member of the Delta Media team has kept a register of their realization progress and work.


Start & Launch

As the plans/concepts of Delta Media and the online project near its end, we have defined mock-ups and concepts for layout and approval to our project partner.

This was a crucial step that required both the business partners and Delta Media to participate fully in order to achieve the intended goal.

In the future, we want our partners to be 100% satisfied with the end product for marketing news and can only achieve that with their help.

Our partners have to inform the team about wishes or problems, then we solve them immediately.


