Fitbit Vs. Apple Watch: Which Is the Best Fitness Tracker for You?

These days, it’s easier than ever to keep track of our fitness goals. One of the most popular ways people do this is with a smartwatch, which allows them to add statistics and track others manually. Two of the frontrunners in smartwatches for fitness are Fitbit and Apple Watch. Both are excellent purchases for several […]

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3 Reasons Why Intel’s CPU Dominance Is Crumbling to AMD and Apple

At the turn of the millennium, Intel was one of the undisputed big players in the tech space. And while Intel remains a colossal name to this day, its dominance is under threat from other companies. Two of those businesses leading the battle against Intel are AMD and Apple—and the pair have made up significant ground. […]

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Apple, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla Team Up to Make Extensions Better

Browser extensions make all of our web browsing experiences a lot easier, but they don’t often play well across the entire spectrum of browsers out there. Fortunately, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla are teaming up to change that. The Browser Giants, Working as One As announced on the W3 blog, the four browser titans are coming […]

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