Habit Tracking on Linux Made Easy With These Two Apps

Consistency is an integral part of developing and maintaining habits. However, it is not easy to stay regular and motivated throughout your journey. While goals are good for setting a direction, building an efficient system is best for making progress. Looking at your past progress can help you push forward. Linux-based operating systems are one […]

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6 Pedometer Apps to Make Walking a Habit and Turn Counting Steps Into Rewards

It’s time to get moving. These pedometer apps encourage you to walk daily in order to lose weight, get heart-healthy, or even earn turn your steps into rewards. A daily walk is one of the most popular forms of exercise, especially with the trend of hitting 10,000 steps every day for a healthy heart. Some […]

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5 Ways to Read More Books and Develop a Habit of Reading Regularly

One of the most popular new year’s resolutions among people across the world is to read more books. These apps and sites will teach you how to make reading a habit. Reading books is the kind of self-improvement activity that we know is good for us, but we never really make time for. There’s some […]

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