A Handy New Analysis Feature Is Coming to Windows 10

What better way to release a handy new feature than to tell exactly no-one about it and hope someone figures it out? Well, that approach appears to be working for Microsoft, who quietly inserted a new disk analysis tool into the latest Insider Preview builds. Disk Usage allows you to check out how much space […]

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Microsoft to Remove Handy Windows Feature in Upcoming Update

An upcoming Windows 10 update will remove one of the operating system’s least liked and least used features. That’s right: Shake to Minimize is leaving Windows 10 for good. Why Is Microsoft Removing “Shake to Minimize?” Although it is an underused Windows 10 feature, it is also one that drew considerable ire from users, usually […]

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Powerful Geocoding Meets Handy Features With the Positionstack API

Computers work in absolutes. Thus, if you want a computer to do something, you need to tell it exactly what to do and how to do it. Take addresses, for example: We’re used to typing in rough approximations of addresses, but a computer won’t understand those—at least without a little help. This is exactly what […]

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