5 Curators to Find the Best Articles Worth Reading on the Internet

When anyone and everyone is a publisher, it isn’t easy to figure out what is worth your time. These link curators find the best articles worth reading on the internet. There are so many articles written and shared, a regular person can’t sift through them. This has led to the rise of curators who will […]

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Tumblr Dubs Itself the ‘Queerest Place on the Internet’

The current generation of young people is working hard to be significantly more progressive and open-minded than the ones that came before it. You can really see those efforts on a platform like Tumblr—apparently more so than on any other social network, actually. Tumblr Says ‘A Helluva Lot’ of Its Users Are Queer A month before 2021 […]

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The Rise and Fall of Pepe the Frog as an Internet Meme

Memes are a huge part of our cultural landscape. These images convey many emotions like happiness and common personality traits like introversion. Memes are also designed to make us laugh, but what happens when a meme becomes a symbol for intolerance? This is what happened to Pepe the Frog, who was an innocent comic strip character until his name […]

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Microsoft Axes Internet Explorer Support for Teams | MakeUseOf

If you’re still using Internet Explorer, now would be a fantastic time to jump ship. Microsoft is no longer supporting Teams within Internet Explorer, and it’s only going to get worse from now on. Microsoft’s Announcement Regarding Internet Explorer and Teams Back in August 2020, Microsoft made an announcement on its Tech Community website regarding […]

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6 Methods for Browsing the Internet Without a Mouse | MakeUseOf

While it often takes a bit of practice to familiarize yourself and get skilled with mouse-less computer use, the effort can be well worth your while. Any data entry worker or software developer will tell you that keyboard and keyboard shortcuts allow you to accomplish tasks with a lot more speed than you would with a mouse. Today we’ll […]

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