How to Turn a Website Into a Linux Desktop App Using Nativefier

You probably visit a particular website several times a day while working. Doing so requires you to open a browser, type in the URL, and then the website finally loads. What if you could turn the website into an app that you can launch from your Linux desktop by just double-clicking? MUO – Feed

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Could Second Life Make a Comeback as We Head Into the Metaverse?

Second Life was the pioneer of virtual worlds, possibly the first example of the metaverse. Launched in 2003, and still popular with diehard fans, Second Life has fallen out of favor and other virtual worlds have overtaken it. These include gaming environments such as Roblox and Fortnite, which now boast hundreds of millions of users. […]

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How to Convert Multiple Images Into a Single PDF on Your Computer or Phone

Merging all the images into one PDF is a convenient way for students to share notes externally with their friends. Moreover, PDF files are smaller, so they are easily transferable. With the Microsoft Office app and CamScanner, you can use this article to create a PDF file from multiple images. Benefits of Converting Multiple Images […]

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