New WhatsApp Feature Lets You Join WhatsApp Group Calls After They Begin

Currently, most video chat platforms allow users to join calls after they’ve begun, by clicking through to the call. Now, WhatsApp is introducing a new feature to let users do exactly the same with WhatsApp calls. WhatsApp Lets Users Join Group Calls After They’ve Begun WhatsApp is introducing a new call feature which lets users join group […]

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How to Create and Join Parties on Your PS4 | MakeUseOf

Creating or joining a party with your friends on PS4 used to be a pretty simple affair. However, in October 2020, Sony released system firmware version 8.00 for the PlayStation 4, which completely changed the way that parties work. In this article, we explain the new setup and show you how to create and join […]

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This Is Why You Should Join the Office Insider Program Now

Office 2016 is one of Microsoft’s best versions of their office suite to hit the market. It was released in September 2015 for both Windows and Mac. But due to its novel features and innovations, it started generating hype long before then. Don’t have it yet? You can choose from several routes to upgrade to Office 2016, including updates that are […]

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