Siri Reveals When the Next Apple Launch Event Is Happening

According to Siri, the Apple Event 2021 appears to be on after all. Apple’s voice assistant recently started telling people the exact date and place of the major launch event. This information hasn’t yet been officially released, but Siri says it should be happening on Tuesday, April 20. Siri Has Potentially Leaked Apple’s Next Event […]

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Framework Set to Launch Completely Modular Laptop in 2021

One of the biggest gripes about modern hardware is that it’s not user expandable. If that sounds like a complaint you’ve had about your hardware, you need to check out the new Framework Laptop, an upgradable and repairable laptop that allows you greater control over your hardware than ever before. What Is the Framework Laptop? […]

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Microsoft Declares the Xbox Series X Launch a Huge Success

The Xbox Series X and Series S consoles may only just have launched, but that hasn’t stopped Microsoft from reporting some very healthy sales. The console was released on November 10, so how well has it done, exactly? A Strong Start for the Xbox Series X/S There was a lot of pre-launch hype surrounding Microsoft’s next-generation […]

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Quibi Is Closing Six Months After Launch | MakeUseOf

It only launched in April 2020, but streaming service Quibi is already closing its doors after suffering in a crowded and changed marketplace. Despite a $ 2 billion investment, the company decided it was best to close rather than attempt a recovery. What Was Quibi? Quibi made quite the splash when it launched. The service […]

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Launch a New Tech Career in the New Year With Stone River eLearning

With the New Year fast approaching, now is a good time to reflect on the previous 12 months and plan ahead. If you want to switch jobs or climb the career ladder in 2020, Stone River eLearning can help. This online platform offers unlimited access to over 300 certified courses on code, design, animation, and […]

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