Home Networking at IFA 2018: What’s New and What’s Hot?

IFA brings with it an army of cutting-edge home networking products, ranging from super-fast gaming routers to hybrid Mesh-based wireless extenders with smart assistant capabilities. So are any of these worth buying going into 2018? TP-Link’s New 2018 Networking Products TP-Link, renowned for its Archer line of router, just announced a whopping seven new home […]

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Huge Deal on TP-Link Networking, Logitech Accessories, and Much More [US/CA]

If you’re looking for some computer and networking accessories, you’re in luck, because Amazon is having sales on all kinds of stuff. You can get deals on Logitech keyboards, webcams, and more. Plus, they have TP-Link deals with routers, range extenders, powerline kits, and just about any home networking device you can image. US Deals […]

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