The Top 9 Russian Social Networks

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube dominate the social media world in most countries, but Russia (and some surrounding areas such as Kazakhstan and Ukraine) often prefer regional replacements for these platforms. Unlock the free “Facebook Security Checklist” now! This will sign you up to our newsletter Enter your Email Unlock Read our privacy policy This […]

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How to Erase Your Social Media Presence: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat

There are a various reasons why you might want to delete your social media accounts. You may miss the days of anonymity, you might want to reclaim your privacy from companies, or maybe you just aren’t interested in the platform any more. Unlock the free “Facebook Security Checklist” now! This will sign you up to […]

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What Is Social Reading? The 5 Best Social Reading Apps

Reading, by definition, is a solo activity and demands your complete concentration as well as a quiet space. The most special books have the power to pull you away from the world around you. But the actual act of reading only represents half of the whole experience. The other part is a lot more social, […]

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Social Media Bots Explained: Malicious Accounts and How to Spot Them

The term “social media bot” is no longer just associated with chatbots or customer service AI. Rather, social media bots have a far more unseemly reputation nowadays due to malicious misinformation campaigns. But what exactly are these malicious social bots? How do you spot the different types? And are there tools that can help you […]

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