How to Fix the “This Build of Windows Will Expire Soon” Error in Windows 10

The Windows Insider Preview program lets you run early versions of the upcoming Windows 10 builds. You can test new features, provide development feedback, and help shape the development of Windows 10. However, at times, your Windows 10 Insider Preview build might expire. That is, Microsoft no longer supports the preview version of Windows you […]

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You’ll No Longer Get YouTube Email Notifications Soon

YouTube email notifications are changing in a big way. Google has announced that, from next week, it won’t email subscribers when a new video goes live from a creator they follow. This sounds like a significant change, but it actually might not make a difference for content creators. Instead, it will just remove an annoyance […]

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You Can Soon Watch YouTube Originals for Free

YouTube is making its YouTube Originals free-to-watch. While some existing content will remain exclusively available to YouTube Premium subscribers, new shows and movies released after September 2019 will be available for everyone to watch for free. What Are YouTube Originals? As the name suggests, YouTube Originals are original movies and shows produced by YouTube. YouTube […]

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