6 Things to Update to Keep Your Smartphone Secure

If you have a smartphone, chances are you use it every day to browse the web, make payments, watch videos, and do a lot more things. Hence, keeping your device secure is an important task. While most smartphones and tablets are powered either by Android or iOS, there is one common way to keep them secure—update […]

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How to Choose a Color Scheme for Your App: 10 Things to Consider

Are you developing or designing an app? Then one thing you need to give serious consideration to is the color scheme. Read on to find the best tips that will help you to choose the correct set of colors from a massive color combination chart. Color is an essential component of visual communication. So if […]

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Line Things Up With the CSS Text Align Property

One of the first features all developers learned about when getting to grips with word processing was text alignment. That tiny tool has been vital for professional typesetters and amateur flyer designers alike. It’s no surprise that CSS has support for text alignment when it comes to web design. The text-align property, along with one or […]

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7 Amazing Things You Can Do in Google’s Arts and Culture App

Google’s Arts & Culture app is a miniature mobile masterpiece, which anyone with even a passing interest in art will enjoy exploring. Launched in 2016, it was originally designed to complement the Google Arts & Culture website, which lets you virtually visit thousands of galleries and museums around the world. But the app—which you can […]

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The Best Subreddits Where Kind Strangers Do Nice Things

There exists a Reddit subculture dedicated to doing nice things for complete strangers. One day, a stranger on the internet might send you a pizza. The next day, your mom might receive a birthday card from 30 people she has never met. You might even have a free Steam game donated to you. The subculture […]

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