You Can Now Play Google Stadia Games Using Mobile Data

Google is launching a new Stadia Experiment that will let you to stream your games over a mobile data connection. The company announced the new feature on the Stadia Community Blog. Adding mobile data is a significant change, as the game streaming service previously only worked when connected to a home internet connection. And being […]

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Lemonade Is Using Technology to Bring Insurance Into This Century, and You Need to Try It

Very few people would suggest that insurance is an innovative, disruptive industry. If not for creative television ads, we may not even think about insurance companies at all except as an occasionally necessary pain point in our lives. From applying for coverage to filing a claim after suffering an accident, dealing with insurance companies is […]

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How to Put Your Face on a Different Body Using GIMP

Admit it, you find playing around with image editing tools such as Photoshop and GIMP fun. And you can do virtually anything with these tools, from simple photo touch-ups to the creation of impressive graphics. However, trying to use these apps isn’t as much fun if you don’t know what you’re doing. Which is where […]

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How to Search YouTube Like a Pro Using Advanced Search Operators

Most of the time, searching YouTube is easy: you simply type in a term and relevant videos appear. But what happens if you need a better YouTube search? Thankfully, YouTube offers advanced search options that help you drill down and find what you’re looking for. Let’s look at advanced search options on YouTube and how […]

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How to Install Homebrew on a Nintendo Wii Using LetterBomb

Released in 2006, the Nintendo Wii is a retro gaming giant, a record-breaking console that shipped over 100 million units. These days, the Nintendo Wii seems old and outdated; apps don’t work, it doesn’t support high definition, and it won’t even play DVDs. However, old things can still be useful, and its age does not […]

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