A Guide to Playing and Converting Audio Files Using Terminal Commands

The Terminal app is the gateway for command-line access in macOS. If you frequently find yourself working inside Terminal and want to play an audio file, there's no need to leave the app. There are commands that you can use to not only play audio files directly from inside Terminal, but to convert audio files […]

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How to Generate Temporary Email Addresses Using the Linux Terminal

Email inboxes are like your digital postbox for receiving important messages. A lot of websites require you to sign up with your email before you can fully access their services or products. However, giving away your personal or work email address to shady websites can lead to a cluttered inbox full of unwanted newsletters, spam, […]

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How to Count the Number of Digits in a Number Using C++, Python, and JavaScript

Working with numbers is an integral part of programming. Every programming language provides support to manipulate numbers in many different ways. In this article, you'll learn how to find the total number of digits in an integer using iterative, log-based, and string-based approaches. Problem Statement You're given a number num. You need to count and […]

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3 Cosmetic and Beauty Companies Using Blockchain Technology

Thanks to cryptocurrency, blockchain technology as a whole is attracting a lot of attention. Blockchain forms the backbone of the cryptocurrency industry, but the technology is quickly being adopted in other fields thanks to its decentralized nature, security, and scalability. From real estate to agriculture, blockchain technology is used for keeping records of transactions for […]

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How to Manage Processes on Ubuntu Using System Monitor

Linux, like most modern operating systems, is very good at multitasking, meaning your system can run several processes at once. In Linux, a process is an instance of a running program that utilizes computer resources. This guide will show you how to manage processes from the GUI using System Monitor. The System Monitor application is […]

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Acer Pledges to Using 100% Renewable Energy by 2035

The Acer Group has announced its commitment to switch to 100% renewable energy use by 2035.  The company also announced its Earthion platform under which it will create products and packaging in a more sustainable manner. Acer’s Long-Term Commitment to Using Renewable Energy In a press release on the Acer Press Room, the company highlights […]

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