Wireless Feng Shui: How to Optimize Wi-Fi Reception in Your House

Your house is full of things that can cause problems with a Wi-Fi signal. There are walls made of different materials, masonry blocks, electronic devices creating inductive noise and emitting various frequencies. So, if you don’t find the best place to put your router, you won’t strong enjoy Wi-Fi reception. The following tips will help […]

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Fix the “Wi-Fi Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration” Error Now

Seeing the “Wi-Fi doesn’t have a valid IP configuration” error in Windows 10? This problem is frustrating since it prevents you from going online. Unlock the FREE “Ultimate Windows Keyboard Shortcuts” cheat sheet now! This will sign you up to our newsletter Enter your Email Unlock Read our privacy policy We’ll explain why you see […]

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How to Set Wi-Fi Network Priority on Android and iPhone

Wi-Fi is ubiquitous. While this is mostly a blessing, it also means there are a lot of Wi-Fi signals competing in the same space. While your smartphone factors in signal strength, Wi-Fi security settings, and network stability, it doesn’t always connect to the Wi-Fi network you’d prefer. Fortunately, you can take control of the Wi-Fi […]

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5 Ways to Get In-Car Wi-Fi for Internet Access on the Go

New cars come connected, with some even offering Wi-Fi to passengers. But what about those of us who cannot afford a connected car? What options are available for getting Wi-Fi in your vehicle? Whether you want live updates from Google Maps as you drive, listen to Spotify, or simply keep your kids entertained, here’s how […]

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Wi-Fi Direct: Windows Wireless File Transfer That’s Faster Than Bluetooth

Wireless data sharing has made rapid strides over the past few years. Thanks to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and NFC, data can be moved from one device to another with little effort Windows 10 boasts of Wi-Fi Direct, a wireless connectivity system that helps to effortlessly hook devices up. Want to move data from PC to laptop? […]

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Mercku M2 Swarm: Powerful Insect-Themed Mesh Wi-Fi Buzzes On

Ever wanted a swarm of bees in your house? Well, now you can thanks to Mercku’s M2 Swarm System, a powerful plug and play mesh Wi-Fi system you can use to fill your home with glorious signal.  Mercku’s Swarm System consists of Queen Routers and Bee Nodes. The simple but effective idea is that you […]

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