The first moments of a new Minecraft world send you scrambling to the nearest mountain to check out your surroundings. Can you see a village? A shipwreck? A ravine? You want your new Minecraft seed to give you some excitement. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work like that. So here are the best Minecraft seeds to explore.
What Is a Minecraft Seed?
When you create a new Minecraft world, an algorithm outputs “a pseudo-random value,” which determines the characteristics and features of your world. The algorithm pseudo-random value creates consistent starting points for all players, creating a seed in the process.
Instead of using the automatic random value to create the seed for your Minecraft world, you can enter a unique seed instead. A seed can contain positive or negative numbers, or even a word or phrase. The numbers or words are read into the algorithm, and the player can begin a new Minecraft adventure in a world they created.
Note: For those interested in going behind-the-scenes, here’s how random numbers influence modern gaming.
You should note, however, that the values don’t correlate to the world. Inputting “really awesome Minecraft castle seed” doesn’t guarantee the best Minecraft seed possible.
Furthermore, the Minecraft version you’re using directly alters the outcome of the seed input. What this means is that a shipwreck seed that works with Minecraft version 1.1 will not translate to Minecraft version 1.2, and so on. As the game develops, so does the world generation algorithm.
It isn’t just updated versions that provide a different seed. Inputting the same seed in Minecraft Java (the original version) returns a different starting point to Minecraft Bedrock Edition (the Windows 10 version), and the PlayStation 4 version is different again.
When inputting the best Minecraft seeds, check the version information before starting your new Minecraft adventure. And seeing as you can now play Minecraft in your browser starting a new adventure is easier than ever.
1. Villages, Desert Temples, a Pillager Post, Ocean Ruins, and a Shipwreck Seed
Java Seed: 2572387081052773525 | Java Version: 1.14
I took a short trip around this starting location, and it delivers everything the title says—even if I nearly died a few times. Just a few short blocks from the starting spawn, you can find a massive first village to get you up and running. From there, you can adventure forward to a second village, two desert temples, a pillager post, ocean ruins, and a massive sunken shipwreck.
The starting seed is the find of Redditor anica_vdm, who also kindly provided the above overview of how to find each location in the seed.
2. Woodland Mansion Adventure Seed
Java Seed: 458388663589165604 | Java Version: 1.14
Woodland mansions are notoriously difficult to find in Minecraft survival mode, usually spawning tens of thousands of blocks from the spawn point. Of course, in creative mode, you can use the /locate mansion command, but that doesn’t work in survival mode.
Which is why the woodland mansion seed is awesome. The woodland mansion is around 1,000 blocks or so from the spawn point. You won’t rush the woodland mansion straight away. Because you will die repeatedly. Still, once you grab some decent armor and weaponry, you can go and attack the Woodland Mansion and pillage its bountiful loot.
You spawn at block X:-180, Z:-60. Trek across the ocean to X:-1100, Z:500 and behold the Woodland Mansion complete with a village.
3. All Biomes Nearby, Village, Desert Pyramid, Underwater Ruins
Java and Bedrock Seed: 306959825 | Java Version: 1.14 | Bedrock Version: 1.12
The find of Redditor SnoverMC has a startling number of biomes within distance of your starting point. Check out the above map and you’ll find that it does have it all. The combination of almost every available biome makes this an excellent starting point for survival mode adventurers, allowing to gather every block and resource type to reach the latter stages of the game.
Some comments in the original thread direct Minecraft adventurers to some of the best locations:
- Village and Desert Pyramid: X:-2746, Z: 1393
- Bamboo Jungle: X:390, Z: -982
- Jungle Temple: X:-424, Z:-920
- Huge Reef: X:-1924, Z:1493
- Ocean Monument: X:-712, Z:-328
- Shipwreck Glacier: X:-1280, Z:-890
There’s a lot more to find, too. The coordinates for these points can vary between Bedrock and Java editions.
4. Shipwreck Survival Island
Java Seed: -782825413 | Java Version: 1.14
Survival mode is great fun, but it can become too easy. Make your next Minecraft adventure a battle with a shipwreck survival seed. Your Minecraft seed adventure starts on a basic island without trees, so no wood to get your mining up and running. The island does, however, feature a shipwreck that you can scour for wood and loot-filled chests.
5. Village, Ravine, and Stronghold
Bedrock Seed: 2065486297 | Bedrock Version: Any
Deep ravines are an awesome starting point for any new Minecraft world. The chances of finding some early game diamond and a mineshaft give your adventure a handy boost. The addition of a village and an underground stronghold makes this Bedrock edition seed an almost perfect spawn point.
You can find the stronghold nestled in the wall of the ravine, which in turn leads under the village and into the depths.
6. Pillager Outpost in Village
PS4/PS3/Xbox One/Xbox 360 Bedrock Seed: 5882689709838967676 | Bedrock Version: Any
A pillager outpost that spawns in the middle of a village, found by Redditor Ishyaboy The villagers are having a bad time under the oppressive rule of the constantly spawning pillagers. Your Minecraft mission is to clear out the pillager outpost and restore peace to the villagers.
It is an interesting spawn combination, but not unheard of. It does give you an interesting starting point for your Minecraft adventure, with plenty of loot and useful resources lying around to get up to speed quickly.
7. Ocean Ruins, Shipwrecks, Villagers, Desert Pillager Outposts, and More
Bedrock Seed: 343145341 | Bedrock Version: 1.12
This is another great starting point for your Minecraft world, including an ocean ruin, a ground-level shipwreck, ice villages, desert temples, and much more, all within about 1,500 blocks square from the spawn point. I know that sounds like a big area, but in Minecraft terms, its nothing, and makes this Bedrock edition seed well worth exploring.
The wider map also has a lot of potential. There is a vast snowy tundra biome, complete with ice spikes, and beyond that, rolling desert hills. Some key locations to check out include:
- Shipwreck: X:2927, Z:207
- Ocean Monuments: X:3299, Z:-111
- Coral: X:3147, Z:123
- Desert Pillager Outpost: X:3129, Z:376
- Snow Pillager Outpost: X:4009, Z:603
There’s a lot more out there, too.
8. Mesa Biome with Two Mine Shafts
Java Seed: 718926700363714 | Java Version: 1.14
The mesa biome is one of the most visually interesting Minecraft has to offer. So, a spawn point slap-bang in the middle of a mesa biome is awesome. Alongside the spawn point are two exposed mineshafts. They are easy to see from the spawn point and contain iron, gold, and if you dig deep enough, diamond and more. The mine shafts also have the standard array of minecart loot boxes, various rail types, and a mob spawner or two.
What Is the Best Minecraft Adventure Seed?
When it comes to Minecraft adventuring, a great seed with an awesome starting point makes a huge difference. If you don’t have to spend hours gathering the rarest of resources, you can jump into the late-game content quicker.
The type of adventure seed you should choose depends on the game you want to play. No matter the adventure you want, taking in the best Minecraft biomes, ruins, villages, shipwrecks, and more makes the world that bit more interesting to explore.
Do you want to run a private Minecraft server for your friends? Then follow our instructions detailing how to set up a Minecraft server on a Raspberry Pi.
Read the full article: The 8 Best Minecraft Seeds for Cool Adventures