How to Win at Facebook: 50+ Tips and Tricks You Should Know

Metaverse News

Have you been using Facebook wrong this whole time? With these tips and tricks, you can unlock the full power of Facebook and make it work wonders for you.

Facebook has made all kinds of headlines for its controversial practices, yet people all over the world still use it. It’s hard to get by without Facebook when everyone you know uses it, so we don’t blame you if you haven’t jumped ship yet.

If you’ve decided that you’re still going to use Facebook, make sure you’re doing everything in your power to use it well. Don’t let it be a time sink. Don’t let Facebook have access to all your personal data. Don’t make mistakes that’ll embarrass you in front of friends and family. Here’s everything you need to know to become a master at Facebook.

Never seriously used Facebook before? We recommend starting with these articles for complete beginners:

Facebook Etiquette for Newbies

As with all things social, the Facebook platform has developed its own set of etiquette that users should be aware of (on top of general courtesy and decency that you should already be practicing). Here’s what you need to know:

Essential Tips and Tricks

One of the more frustrating parts of Facebook is not being able to figure out how to do something simple, like switching to another profile or preventing someone from showing up in your feed. Here are the key tips everyone should know as a Facebook user:

Advanced Tips and Tricks

In addition to the basic tips above, there are some cool things you can do with Facebook that may or may not be useful in your case. Might as well check them out and see if they are, though, right? Here are some more advanced tips that you shouldn’t overlook:

For Mobile Users


If you mainly use Facebook on your smartphone or tablet, we have a few specialized tips that may help take your Facebook experience to the next level. Here’s what you need to know:

For Facebook Messenger

Facebook Privacy and Security: Issues and Concerns


Online privacy and personal data security are the biggest question marks surrounding Facebook right now. Whether you’re stuck using Facebook against your will or you just can’t let go, be prudent and protect yourself to the best of your ability. Here’s everything you need to know:

And it gets worse!

Troubleshooting Facebook Problems

You’re bound to run into problems with Facebook at some point. For when you do, we recommend bookmarking our article dedicated to the most common Facebook problems you’re likely to run into and how to solve them yourself:

Image Credit: TarasMalyarevich/Depositphotos

Read the full article: How to Win at Facebook: 50+ Tips and Tricks You Should Know
