A Hacker Group Just Leaked 9GB of Microsoft’s Source Code

For a tech company, its source code for its apps and services is its most treasured secret; if they ever get into the public eye, it'll reveal how the company did what it achieved. Unfortunately for Microsoft, a hacking group called Lapsus$ has managed to steal a lot of the company's source code, and now […]

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Hacker Steals $600 Million of Crypto—But Returns Half in Dramatic Twist

A $ 600 million cryptocurrency heist took an unexpected turn after the attackers returned over $ 260 million of the stolen funds. $ 260 Million Stolen Cryptocurrency Returned On August 11, 2021, decentralized finance (DeFi) platform Poly Network reported that it was victim to a $ 611 million cryptocurrency hack. Poly Network is a combined […]

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Download “Becoming The Hacker” For FREE (Worth $32)

If you’d like to delve into web penetration testing, Becoming the Hacker is a clear guide to approaching this lucrative and growing industry. This free book (worth $ 32) takes you through commonly encountered vulnerabilities and how to take advantage of them to achieve your goal. You’ll then go on to put your “newly learned […]

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