Bust a Move With These 9 Energetic Hip Hop Dance Workout Classes

Working out at the gym or at home can get boring and repetitive; you should try out a dance workout instead. Did you know that a hip-hop dance workout can give you an effective full-body workout? Because it is such an intense form of physical activity, you can burn tons of calories and groove to […]

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Record and Move With This Hands-Free Neckband Camera | MakeUseOf

Are you the type of person who likes to record videos while you’re out and about? Of course, you could use your smartphone, but that means you’ll be holding your arm out constantly and not paying attention to where you’re going. Trust us, you don’t want to end up as a viral video because you […]

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How to Move Conversations Between Inboxes on Facebook Messenger

Your Facebook Messenger account has two inboxes: a main inbox and a separate inbox called Filtered Messages. Messages from friends arrive in your main inbox, and you receive notifications for them. Messages from non-friends who want to contact you are sent to your Filtered Messages inbox, and you won’t get any notifications. Non-friends also can’t see […]

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