CrowPi 2 Is The Raspberry Pi Laptop and Electronics STEAM Workshop You’ve Dreamed Of

Our verdict of the CrowPi 2:Simply the best STEAM learning package we’ve seen yet. It’s packed full of electronics sensors that are easy to start programming with in Scratch or Python. Jump on this one quick before the price goes up at retail (though even then, it’ll be great value). 910 The Raspberry Pi is […]

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The Ultimate Raspberry Pi Commands Cheat Sheet

The Raspberry Pi is the most popular single-board computer (SBC) available. Just $ 35 gets you a powerful, fully-fledged Linux computer with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 40 connected general-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins. It’s no surprise that the Raspberry Pi is equally popular between professional engineers, computer hobbyists, makers, and in the education sector. While the Raspberry […]

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The 10 Best Apps to Install on Your Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is an awesome little computer, whose capabilities won’t stop increasing. As such, you should make sure that you have the best apps installed on it. Whether you’re running Raspberry Pi OS (formerly known as Raspbian) some apps are unmissable. Here are best apps for your Raspberry Pi. Doesn’t Raspberry Pi Come With […]

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The Raspberry Pi Hub: 45+ Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, and Guides

We have all the tips, tricks, tutorials, and guides you’ll need to become a full-fledged master of the Raspberry Pi. Newbies and veterans, welcome! The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer, a fancy term for any tiny-yet-fully-operational computer that’s built on a single circuit board. It can do everything that a normal computer can—such as […]

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10 Game Servers You Can Run on a Raspberry Pi

Gaming on the Raspberry Pi is surprisingly multi-faceted, supporting both native and emulated games. But what if you wanted something more impressive, yet game-related, from the device? Well, how about setting it up as a game server? Just imagine, hosting LAN parties wherever you are, thanks to the pocket-sized Raspberry Pi! All you need to […]

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