Microsoft Edge’s Sleeping Tabs Will Soon Show You How Much It Saved

In a bid to make Microsoft Edge a major competitor in the browser world, the software giant added sleeping tabs to help save people’s resources… but people had no idea how much was actually being saved. Now, a recent update to the preview build of Edge adds a saved resources tracker which tells you just […]

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3 Reasons Why Sleeping Next to Your Phone Is a Bad Idea

Most of us have our phones on us at all times. Texts and emails are constantly coming through, you use saved credit cards to pay with ease, and you never know when you might need to call someone. It’s even understandable that people want to look at their phones as soon as they wake up to handle all the notifications that […]

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The 10 Best Headphones for Sleeping and Relaxing

Have a snoring sleeping partner or trouble getting to sleep at night? Listening to music or guided meditation in bed not only drowns out noise, but it can also calm your anxious thoughts. You probably know how uncomfortable it is to wear regular earbuds or bulky headphones to bed. That means you’ll need to invest […]

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