It’s now much easier to share Reddit posts on Snapchat. This is thanks to Reddit integrating a way to share posts on Snapchat directly into its app. The days of copying and pasting URLs to share with your friends is well and truly over.
It’s Getting Easier to Share Content Online
It wasn’t that long ago that in order to share content online with family and friends you’d have to email it to them. And while older relatives may still occasionally email you something they’ve seen online, most of us have moved on.
Now, everything is an app, and when you see something in one app it’s really easy to share it to another app. This even extends to streaming services. And you can now share Spotify songs on Facebook and share Spotify songs on Snapchat.
How to Share Reddit Posts on Snapchat
Now, you can also share Reddit posts on Snapchat without lifting a finger. As detailed in a post on Upvoted, if you have both the Reddit app and Snapchat installed on your smartphone, sharing Reddit content is as simple as tapping the “Share” icon.
To share Reddit content on Snapchat, just tap “Share” while on the post you would like to share. Then, select Snapchat, and either add it to your Story for all of your friends to see, or choose a select few friends to share it with.
Here's how to do it on iOS (Android support is coming soon!) https://t.co/QSNm2ZMt9i
— Reddit (@reddit) October 14, 2019
Reddit posts will be shared using a new sticker. This shows the title of the post, which subreddit it has come from, and the Reddit logo. Users with the Reddit app installed can jump straight to the post. Everyone else will be directed to the App Store.
Snap’s Ben Schwerin said, “Reddit empowers discovery and discussion that many Snapchatters love. With this integration, Snapchatters will be able to share interesting posts they find, adding new context and conversation-starters to their Snaps.”
What Is Reddit and How Does It Work?
Reddit’s Snapchat integration is initially only available on the iOS app. However, Reddit has promised that Android support is coming soon. Content can only be shared from Safe for Work subreddits and communities in good standing.
If you have read all the way through this article we’re going to guess that you already know all about Reddit. However, just in case the platform has completely passed you by until now, be sure to read our guide to Reddit and how it works.
Read the full article: You Can Now Share Reddit Posts on Snapchat