Christian Cawley and Ben Stegner bring you a host of tips, tricks, and news that matters to everyone in the tech podcast for technophobes. This week, we learn about Britbox’s UK launch, YouTube’s homepage redesign, and Netflix’s “skip politics” options.
There’s also an early look at Google’s Stadia gaming platform, some recommended videos, and our regular round up of tips and tricks.
Really Useful Podcast Season 4 Episode 11 Shownotes
In this week’s Really Useful Podcast we talk about:
- Britbox launches its streaming service in the UK
- YouTube makes its homepage easier to use
- Netflix lets you “skip politics”
- Google Stadia invite codes are sent
- Recommendations:
- Christian: Hyperland – Douglas Adams documentary about the web from 1990
- Ben: Cuphead animation
- Learn how to use Morse code
- Why is a 1TB hard disk drive only 931GB?
- How to clean a computer, phone, or tablet screen
- Use your mobile phone as a home wireless network
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See you next week!
Read the full article: Britbox, Douglas Adams, Morse Code Apps, How to Clean an LCD Screen