How to Update Your Graphics Drivers in Windows 10

Your graphics drivers control what you see on your screen. It helps your computer’s hardware interact with the operating system, including Windows 10. If you have a new PC and cannot find your dedicated GPU or everything appears in lower resolution, it could be due to outdated or missing graphics drivers. So, how do you update your […]

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XP-Pen G960S Plus Review: Entry Level Graphics Tablet in the Age of Affordable Touchscreens

Our verdict of the XP-Pen G960S Plus:While an affordable and easy to use device, the XP-Pen G960S Plus feels the sort of novelty tech that you buy, use once, then put away at the back of your drawer.710 Getting started with graphic art has never been so easy. 30 years ago, you’d have struggled to […]

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Video Game Graphics and Settings Explained

If you’re new to PC gaming, you might not have ever explored video game graphics settings. Most people know that higher settings are better, but what do all those game settings actually do? We’re here to explain the most common video game graphics settings. We’ll see how they work and how they affect your system […]

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